The Library Doors Video

When author Toni Buzzeo was looking for someone to create a video to go along with her book The Library Doors, I knew that was something our kids would love to do. I enlisted the help of our talented music teacher, Kim Keller and her choir. I then contacted our ITV department and Susan Carlson was excited to help. Everyone did a great job in making this project come to fruition and Toni put it up on her website just in time for National Library Week.



Literature Fair

R.C. Centeno Elementary hosted its 1st Annual Reading Fair December 17, 2013. The purpose of the Reading Fair is to provide each student with an opportunity to share his/her favorite fictional story and demonstrate his/her knowledge of reading through a storyboard display. The goal of the Reading Fair is to encourage, promote, and enhance the reading experience across grade levels. Participation in the Reading Fair process will ultimately allow each student to have a creative and positive experience with reading that will develop into a lifelong love of reading.



One of the best parts of being a librarian is when you have former students come back to visit and all they can talk about is books. Priscilla and her mother came to visit one day before school had started this year, and her mother mentioned that Priscilla had finished all the summer reads I had given her in one week. So of course, I couldn’t let such an avid reader go without more books. One of Priscilla’s best qualities is that she pays it forward. Not only does she read to the younger children at her church and teaches them how to read, but she also passes the books on to her friends. She is a role model and librarian’s dream come true.

THE ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001by Lauren Tarshis

I survived

This year marks the 11th anniversary of 9/11. For many of us, the last thing we want is to revisit the day of September 11, 2001, in New York City. As the school year opens, many of us in the education field across the United States, may feel the same way. But as one educator so aptly put it “we need to go down the hole of one of history’s darkest days in order to come up with some light to shed on it for our students this September.”

In 2001, some of our students were not even born yet and know very little about the day’s events. Even though it is a ‘current event’ for us as adults, it is ‘history’ for them.” For those of us in the field of education, September 11 may still be a raw experience, whereas for our students, it’s not even a memory. But regardless, we are the ones in position to preserve this part of history for them.

Here at Rodolfo Centeno Elementary, we tried to think about how to bridge teachers’ personal experiences with September 11 with students’ understanding of the event. To commemorate the day of September 11, we will be hosting Remembering 9/11: Tell your story. How did you witness history on September 11, 2001? What do you most remember and how has it affected your life? As role models, help us preserve this historic event by sharing your experience with our 5th grade students who have just finished reading and reflecting on I Survived: the Attacks of September 11, 2001 by Lauren Tarshis.


I had such a great time chaperoning this group of 5th graders to the Imaginarium. They were a great group and worked really hard reading tons of book to earn their spot on the bus. By the look on their faces, I think they enjoyed it too. I learned a few things along the way — who knew they would get such a kick out of shining their shoes and we take for granted that the mall is a place all kids get to go to, but that is not true. For some kids this was there first time at the mall so that made it all the more special.