Nothing Sickens me More…

What a surprise when Ms. Garza’s Pre-Kinder a.m. class surprised me with hugs and this poster during National Library Week. It made for a great day. There was none of the usual fanfare we usually get, but they went out of their way to make me feel good. Considering I don’t see this class because of budget cuts made it much sweeter.

These are other things that made my week great:

– Senator Judith Zaffirini was the keynote speaker at our library meeting ~ she was amazing!

– I received the best e-mail from our school’s former nurse  –

– Our campus Attendance clerk and LPAC clerk brought us a cake!

– and this awesome funny poster! Nothing Sickens me More…”

102 Minutes:the untold story of the fight to survive inside the twin towers

We’ve come to know people in the North tower and how they have started their day. We’ve talked about the 1993 bombings and the safety precautions that are in place and those that are absent. We’ve wondered about those who didn’t follow their normal routines and either perished or were save, and now we are in the midst of cataclysm as Flight 11 crashes through the North tower.

We aren’t too far into the book and it might take us quite awhile to get through, but every moment is worth spending with these kids when you see them so engrossed. I’m fascinated by how much they remember and the barrage of questions they ask, all the same questions that would be put forth by me.

Although we haven’t made much headway in pages read, we have certainly made headway in information learned; just enough to be able to follow author Jim Dwyer in the incredible video conference he presented this past Friday. The students were really able to make the connection with what we’ve read thus far with his spoken words.

I was quite touched when he spoke about the heroic gestures of the people in the towers and more so when he talked about his own personal experience that historic September 11th. He was no longer detached from the story, but a part of it and we were able to witness his emotional experience. Needless to say, it was an incredible experience for both myself and the students. I’m very grateful to Jim Dwyer for allowing our 5th graders to participate in the video conference, and to Raquel Ramon, librarian extraordinaire from LBJ high school, for inviting us to join in.