April is Autism Awareness month, and to raise awareness and money, Rodolfo Centeno held it’s first ART for AUTISM AUCTION. Our students, staff and parents really came together to make it a successful event. We shared stories about staff members whose children have autism, we shared information about autism and library books about autism and students painted puzzle pieces which were later exhibited in our “gallery” and auctioned off to the highest bidders. In all we raised $546.66 to be distributed to three local Autism awareness groups – My Sunny Gardens, UBC Autism Group and the Laredo Autistic Center. It was such a success we hope to hold it annually and garner more support. The students learned a lot and became very sympathetic to this cause. It is our hope that events such as these will help develop character and build an environment of tolerance and acceptance. Thank you Centeno staff, our families and students, and the community awareness groups who helped us in our endeavor. Special thanks to Mr. Juarez, Ms. Ada Perales, Mrs. Rosas, Coach Hernandez, Ms. Molina and Ms. Yancy.
