The Thing About Georgie by Lisa Graff (Texas Bluebonnet Award Nominee 2008-2009)

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The thing about Jeanette Wallace was that, well, she was mean, that’s why they called her Jeanie the Meanie. The thing about Andy Moretti, was that he was the best soccer player in fourth-grade and Georgie’s best friend since kindergarten. The thing about Georgie’s parents was that they were real professional musicians. And the thing about Georgie was that…well, it was a lot of things. For starters, he couldn’t play an instrument like his parents. He couldn’t play video games like his friend. He couldn’t tie his shoelaces like any regular kid. He couldn’t even hold a pencil. But it wasn’t because he didn’t want to. He did. He just couldn’t.

While there were many physical things Georgie couldn’t do like his friends, the thing about Georgie was that he still had in common with them the same kinds of worries. He lost his best friend Andy to Russ, he was picked on by the class bully, and worst of all – he was about to become a big brother to Baby Godzilla. When his dad announces the horrible news, Georgie feels like his life is ruined.

The thing about Georgie is that he’s an inspiration to all by the way he accepts and overcomes his everyday physical challenges. Georgie learns in the end that whatever happens in your life you are ultimately going to be surprised, and you as a reader, by the end of this book – will definitely be surprised.