I have worked in two elementary libraries for the past 12 years and he is still one of THE favorite authors . For my students, everything he writes is golden.
I was lucky to get a little video clip of him at TLA.
I have worked in two elementary libraries for the past 12 years and he is still one of THE favorite authors . For my students, everything he writes is golden.
I was lucky to get a little video clip of him at TLA.
If you have read Someone Named Eva by Joan Wolf and you would like to learn more about this time in history or read more stories like this, then you may want to check out these other titles in your library.
Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.
Hitler Youth:Growing up in Hitler’s Shadow by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
Yellow Star by Jennifer Roy
The Flag with Fifty-six Stars:A Gift from the Surviviors of Mauthausen by Susan Goldman Rubin
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
A Picture Book of Anne Frank by David A. Adler
Always Remember Me:How One Family Survivied World War II by Marisabina Russo
Anna Is Still Here by Ida Vos
One Thousand Tracings:Healing the Wounds of World War II by Lita Judge
Hidden Child by Isaac Millman
Why?: The War Years by Tomie DePaola
Baseball Saved Us by Ken Mochizuki
Boxes for Katje by Candice Fleming
The Yellow Star:the legend of King Christian X of Denmark by Carmen Agra Deedy